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  1. › degree-programs-a-z › history-maHistory — University of Bonn

    History involves the methodological exploration of historical events, persons, objects, structures and processes. The master's degree program History conveys advanced research-oriented knowledge of German, European and extra-European history from antiquity to the present. The program is divided into a total of nine different specializations ...

  2. DRK-Schwesternschaft „Bonn“ e.V. Venusbergweg 17b 53115 Bonn . Sekretariat. Monika Mauel Tel.: 0228/ 26 90 110 Fax: 0228/ 26 90 129 monika.mauel(at) . Home Über uns Kontakt Impressum Datenschutz Hinweisgeberportal . Freiwi ...

  3. Der Verein Jazzin´Bonn wurde im Jahr 1988 gegründet. Er hat seinen Sitz in Bonn und verfolgt unmittelbar und ausschließlich gemeinnützige Zwecke. Jazzin´ Bonn e.V. möchte Jazz- interessierte Bürgerinnen und Bürger zusammenführen und die Bundesstadt Bonn im Rahmen ihrer Kulturarbeit im Bereich der Jazzmusik anregen und unterstützen.

  4. Beethovenfest Bonn is one of the largest and most innovative classical music festivals in Germany. Beethoven grew up in Bonn and experienced his most formative years here. The festival is guided by the spirit of his youthful, progressive and outgoing days, creating a 21st century environment for artists who enable us to experience his work. Beethoven’s music is celebrated in around 80 ...

  5. The Museum of the History of the Federal Republic of Germany on Bonn's Willy-Brandt-Allee is home to an impressive interactive permanent exhibition on the history of (East and West) Germany from 1945 to the present day. There are some 7,000 original exhibits to check out here, including the Chancellor's train carriage, a vintage cinema from the ...

  6. On May 10, 1949, the Parliamentary Council decided Bonn to become the “provisional seat of the federal bodies” by secret ballot with 33 votes in favor and 29 votes against. The first session of the federal parliament took place on September 7, 1949, in the Plenary Hall of the Pedagogical Academy. Within just a few months architect Hans Schwippert had extended the academy’s premises to ...

  7. Die GA-Serie „Bonner Stadtgeschichten“ mit Beiträgen von Martin Wein startete im Bonner General-Anzeiger zu Beginn des Jahres 2021. 52 Mal erzählte der Autor in 2021 von der Geschichte der Stadt: Wie sie entstand, was in ihr geschah und wer in ihr lebte. Die informativen Artikel sind inzwischen auch als Buch erschienen.