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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Chaz Bono ist der Sohn von Sonny Bono und Cher und wurde 1990 als lesbisch geoutet. Er lebte bis 2008 offen lesbisch und nahm 2008 Geschlechtseintrags- und Namensänderung an.

  2. › wiki › Chaz_BonoChaz Bono - Wikipedia

    Chaz Salvatore Bono [1] (born Chastity Sun Bono; March 4, 1969) is an American writer, musician and actor. His parents are entertainers Sonny Bono and Cher, and he became widely known in appearances as a child on their television show, The Sonny & Cher Comedy Hour. [2] [3]

  3. 23. Feb. 2024 · Chaz Bono, the son of the iconic pop singer Cher, has undergone an incredible transformation over the last decade. In 2012, during an appearance on The Doctors, the actor and musician opened up...

    • Hannah Loesch
  4. Nach 41 Jahren im falschen Körper fühlt sich Chaz Bono endlich wohl in seiner Haut. Die Mutter, Pop-Diva Cher, kämpft mit der neuen Identität. Viele in der Homosexuellen- und Transgender ...

  5. 4. Mai 2023 · Exclusive Interview with Chaz Bono. He currently stars as Puppy in Bury the Bride, a horror movie which he also produced, but Chaz Bono has been acting for over a decade in - among others...

    • 11 Min.
    • 48,5K
    • Golden Globes
  6. › name › nm0095106Chaz Bono - IMDb

    Chaz Salvatore Bono was born on March 4, 1969 in Los Angeles, California to Cher & Sonny Bono. He is an American character actor & activist and best known for his work on American Horror Story and Curb Your Enthusiasm.

  7. Chaz Bono (born March 4, 1969, Los Angeles, California, U.S.) American actor and author known for his activism concerning LGBTQ+ rights. Bono is further known for his openness about his transition from female to male.

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