21. Juni 2023 · Cynthia Nixon has been married to her wife Christine Marinoni since 2012. Here's everything to know about Cynthia Nixon's wife.
8. Aug. 2023 · star Cynthia Nixon met her wife Christine Marinoni in 2001. They started off as friends and began dating shortly after Nixon divorced her ex-husband Danny Mozes in 2003.
17. Nov. 2015 · Christine Marinoni kam 2004 als neue lesbische Liebe der ‚Sex-and-the-City‘-Schauspielerin Cynthia Nixon in die Schlagzeilen. Cynthia Nixon war bis dahin viele Jahre mit dem...
29. Mai 2012 · Auf dieses Happy End haben sie lange gewartet: Cynthia Nixon, 46, und ihre Freundin Christine Marinoni, 45, haben am Sonntag in New York geheiratet. Zuvor war das lesbische Paar drei Jahre...
29. Mai 2012 · After Cynthia Nixon revealed that she and Christine Marinoni tied the knot in New York City on Sunday, the newlyweds have released their wedding photo. Posing on a rooftop in the Big Apple,...
9. Dez. 2021 · Sex and the City star Cynthia Nixon is such a Miranda, and her home life proves it. Find out when and how she met and married wife Christina Marinoni—plus, all about her three kids and...
7. Sept. 2018 · Meet her wife, Christine Marinoni. Ms. Nixon is the former “Sex and the City” star who is challenging New York’s governor, Andrew M. Cuomo, in the Democratic primary next week. She is a long ...