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  1. 29. Mai 2014 · Despite this wealth of philosophy, Buddhism is also a religion by any definition of that indefinable term—unless one narrowly defines religion as belief in a creator god. Magic and miracles, which we often associate with religion, fill Buddhist texts. As we wrote the dictionary, we were continually surprised at how central magic and miracles ...

  2. Anders als Religionen, religiöse Gemeinschaften und Weltanschauungen stützt sich die Philosophie bei der Bearbeitung der oben genannten „philosophischen“ Fragen allein auf die Vernunft, d. h. auf rationale Argumentation, die keine weiteren Voraussetzungen (wie z. B. den Glauben an eine bestimmte zugrundeliegende Lehre) erfordert.

  3. the Continental approach—namely, feminist philosophy of religion. Here, too, as we will see, there is much available to expand the hori-zons of the field. I have spent most of my adult life studying and working as a phi-losopher, and in my estimation the philosophy of religion is one of the most exciting areas of philosophy in which to engage ...

  4. 31. Juli 2019 · Key Takeaways: Pluralism. Pluralism is a political philosophy holding that people of different beliefs, backgrounds, and lifestyles can coexist in the same society and participate equally in the political process. Pluralism assumes that its practice will lead decision-makers to negotiate solutions that contribute to the “common good” of the ...

  5. 7. Apr. 2023 · Die Forschung hat die Frage nach einer möglichen ‚Unaufgebbarkeit‘ der Religion in Kants politischer Philosophie bislang ignoriert. Zwar gibt es Debatten, ob Kants Konzeption der Kirche als ethisches Gemeinwesen eine politische Funktion zukomme Footnote 1 und ob sein Modell der Übersetzung religiöser Gehalte in säkulare Sprache für die heutige Demokratietheorie gewinnbringend ist ...

  6. 23. Apr. 1997 · The Epistemology of Religion. First published Wed Apr 23, 1997; substantive revision Tue Jun 22, 2021. Contemporary epistemology of religion may conveniently be treated as a debate over whether evidentialism applies to religious beliefs, or whether we should instead adopt a more permissive epistemology. Here evidentialism is the initially ...

  7. 25. Juni 2019 · Updated on June 25, 2019. Distinctions between objectivity and subjectivity lie at the heart of debates and conflicts in philosophy, morality, journalism, science, and more. Very often "objective" is treated as a vital goal while "subjective" is used as a criticism. Objective judgments are good; subjective judgments are arbitrary.