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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Diego Klattenhoff (* 30. November 1979 [1] in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia) [2] ist ein kanadischer Schauspieler.

  2. Diego Klattenhoff (born November 30, 1979) is a Canadian actor known for his portrayals of Mike Faber in the Showtime series Homeland and as FBI Special Agent Donald Ressler in The Blacklist. He has also appeared as Derek in Whistler, Ivan in Men in Trees as well as having a minor role in Mean Girls as Shane Oman.

  3. Diego Klattenhof. Am 30-11-1979 wurde Diego Klattenhof (Spitzname: Diego) in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, Canada geboren. Als Sohn von Vater (?) und Mutter (?) erlangte er im Jahr 2024 als Schauspieler Berühmtheit zum Beispiel für Dry Whiskey, Fallen, After Earth.

  4. Diego Klattenhoff (born 1979) is best known for his role as Mike Faber in the TV series Homeland (2011). He plays the role of a Marine captain whose best friend returns to the US after disappearing in Iraq seven years earlier.

  5. Diego Klattenhoff kann drei Auftritte als Hauptdarsteller in Serien für sich verbuchen. The Blacklist. Ein Schwerverbrecher als FBI-Informant. In der Drama-Serie The Blacklist spielte Diego...

  6. 6. Juli 2014 · Für den Schauspieler Diego Klattenhoff waren die letzten drei Jahre sehr erfolgreich. Mit Homeland konnte er sich sowohl über Zuschauer- als auch über kritischen Zuspruch freuen.

  7. Diego Klattenhoff (born 1979) is best known for his role as Mike Faber in the TV series Homeland (2011). He plays the role of a Marine captain whose best friend returns to the US after disappearing in Iraq seven years earlier.

  8. Einleitung Diego Klattenhoff; Leben und Karriere; Filmografie (Auswahl) Weblinks; Einzelnachweise

  9. Diego Klattenhoff is a Canadian actor known for his portrayals of Mike Faber in the Showtime series Homeland and as FBI Agent Donald Ressler in The Blacklist. He has also appeared as Derek in Whistler and Ivan in Men in Trees.

  10. 20. Dez. 2021 · Canadian actor Diego Klattenhoff got his first bigbreak for his role as Shane Oman (“above the projection room!”) in Mean Girls. Fast-forward 10 years, and the handsome star from Nova...

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