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  1. John Ethan Wayne (* 22. Februar 1962 in Los Angeles) ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler

  2. › wiki › Ethan_WayneEthan Wayne - Wikipedia

    Ethan Wayne is an American actor and the son of John Wayne. He appeared in films such as Big Jake, Scream, and The Last Embrace, and TV shows such as The Bold and the Beautiful and The New Adam-12.

  3. 25. Juli 2024 · Ethan Wayne ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler, Sohn von John Wayne und Direktor der John Wayne Cancer Foundation. Welche Rollen hat Ethan Wayne in seiner Karriere gespielt? Er trat in Filmen wie „Blues Brothers“ und „Scream“ auf, im Fernsehen in „Reich und Schön“ und „The New Adam-12“.

  4. Ethan Wayne is an American actor, also known as the youngest son of renowned American actor and filmmaker John Wayne. Check out this biography to know about his childhood, family, personal life, career, and achievements.

  5. › name › nm0915550Ethan Wayne - IMDb

    Ethan Wayne is an actor and stunt performer who appeared in movies like The Blues Brothers and Red State. He is the son of the legendary actor John Wayne and Pilar Wayne, and has a niece or nephew named Jennifer Wayne.

    • January 1, 1
    • 1.80 m
    • Los Angeles, California, USA
  6. Ethan Wayne was born on February 22, 1962 in Los Angeles, California, USA. He is an actor, known for The Blues Brothers (1980), Big Jake (1971) and Red State (2011). He was previously married to Gina Rivadenegry.

  7. Western film historian Henry C. Parke sat down with Ethan Wayne in an exclusive interview for INSP. Ethan, President of John Wayne Enterprises and son of Wes...

    • 31 Min.
    • 27,3K
    • INSP
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