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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. 26. Apr. 2022 · “The most important sentence at the end: Member States are *required* to transpose #Article17 as interpreted by the Court, that means with ex ante safeguards against blocking of legal content by #uploadfilters. So far, only Germany and Austria have included specific safeguards.”

  2. 5. Juli 2021 · GitHub Copilot is not infringing your copyright. This is a slightly modified version of my original German-language article first published on under a CC-by 4.0 license. GitHub is currently causing a lot of commotion in the Free Software scene with its release of Copilot. Copilot is an artificial intelligence trained on publicly ...

  3. 6. Nov. 2015 · Die EU-Kommission rüstet zum Frontalangriff auf den Hyperlink, den Grundbaustein des Internets. Dahinter steckt eine abstruse Idee, die nicht totzukriegen ist: Dass Suchmaschinen und Nachrichtenportale Medien dafür bezahlen sollen, wenn sie deren Inhalte anpreisen.

  4. Welcome, Julia Reda, Shannon Dosemagen and Nelson Wasswa – the new cohort of Shuttleworth Fellows for our March 2020 intake. Our Honorary Steward, Beth Simone Noveck, has selected three exceptional fellows from a highly compelling shortlist. We thank Beth for her work and input to our process and are delighted with the choices she has made.

  5. 1. Feb. 2019 · Public spaces online can be both a forum for the public debate necessary to underpin our liberal democracy, as well as a recruitment and propaganda paradise for terrorist organisations, where they can prey on and radicalise vulnerable members of our society.

  6. EU study finds even publishers oppose the ‘link tax’ – and some journalists are afraid to speak out

  7. 27. Jan. 2022 · Felix Reda saß zwischen 2014 und 2019 noch unter weiblichem Namen für die Piratenpartei im EU-Parlament. Am Mittwoch outete sich der Digitalexperte als trans. »Privat heiße ich schon länger so, in Zukunft auch in der Öffentlichkeit«, schrieb er auf Twitter.