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Erhalten auf Amazon Angebote für frankl sinatra im Bereich DVD. Entdecken tausende Produkte. Lesen Kundenbewertungen und finde Bestseller
Frank Sinatra erhielt den Oscar als bester Nebendarsteller für den Film Verdammt in alle Ewigkeit sowie eine Nominierung als bester Hauptdarsteller für Der Mann mit dem goldenen Arm. Daneben spielte er in weiteren Filmen mit, unter anderem in dem Musical Die oberen Zehntausend mit Grace Kelly.
Frank Sinatra performing "My Way" Live from Madison Square Garden in 1974. The original studio version of ‘My Way’ was recorded on December 30, 1968 in one t...
- 4 Min.
- 58,3M
- FrankSinatraVEVO
Frank Sinatra is a legend and an icon of American music. Renowned for his impeccable phrasing and timing, his romantic swagger, and larger-than-life personality, he is recognized as one of the...
Best Songs Of Frank Sinatra New Playlist 2018 - Frank Sinatra ...
- 55 Min.
- 8,1M
- The Legend Songs
Francis Albert Sinatra (/ sɪˈnɑːtrə /; December 12, 1915 – May 14, 1998) was an American singer and actor. Nicknamed the "Chairman of the Board" and later called "Ol' Blue Eyes," he is regarded as one of the most popular entertainers of the mid-20th century.
2. Apr. 2014 · Frank Sinatra was one of the most popular entertainers of the 20th century, forging a career as an award-winning singer and film actor.
21. Aug. 2024 · Frank Sinatra was an American singer and motion picture actor and one of the most sought-after performers in the entertainment industry. He is considered by many to have been the greatest American singer of 20th-century popular music .