Eugene „Gene“ Allen Hackman ist ein ehemaliger US-amerikanischer Schauspieler und Schriftsteller, ein vierfacher Golden-Globe- sowie zweifacher Oscar-Preisträger. Hackman zählte drei Jahrzehnte zu den führenden amerikanischen Charakterdarstellern und erlangte unter anderem 1971 mit der Rolle des unkonventionellen ...
Eugene Allen Hackman[1][2][3] (born January 30, 1930) is an American retired actor. In a career that spanned more than six decades, he received two Academy Awards, two BAFTA Awards, four Golden Globes, a Screen Actors Guild Award, and the Silver Bear.
Hackman is a versatile actor who can play comedy (the blind man in Young Frankenstein (1974)) or villainy (the evil Lex Luthor in Superman (1978)). He is the doctor who puts his work above people in Extreme Measures (1996) and the captain on the edge of nuclear destruction in Crimson Tide (1995) .
Hackman is a versatile actor who can play comedy (the blind man in Young Frankenstein (1974)) or villainy (the evil Lex Luthor in Superman (1978)). He is the doctor who puts his work above people in Extreme Measures (1996) and the captain on the edge of nuclear destruction in Crimson Tide (1995) .
2. Apr. 2014 · Gene Hackman is an Academy Award-winning actor known for his range and versatility in films such as 'The French Connection,' 'Mississippi Burning' and 'Unforgiven.'
金·哈克曼 (英語: Gene Hackman,1930年1月30日 —),原名 尤金·艾伦·哈克曼 (Eugene Allen Hackman),是一位已退休的 美國 演員 和小說家。 他在1971年因為主演《霹靂神探》而获得 奧斯卡最佳男主角獎 并為世人所認識,在電影裡常演 上校 、 准將。 早年. 童年時住加州,後舉家搬遷到 伊利諾州,父親是地方報紙新聞記者。 13歲時父母離異,16歲時加入美國 海軍陸戰隊 無線電 通訊士兵,服役3年退伍;日後電影演出相類似角色格外真實。 退伍後到 伊利諾大學 修習 新聞學 及電視製作學。 30歲時決定拍電影,返回 加州。 影視作品列表. 著作. 金·哈克曼 與 Daniel Lenihan. Wake of the Perdido Star.
吉恩·哈克曼(Gene Hackman),1930年1月30日出生于美国加州圣贝纳迪诺,美国演员、制作人。 1953年,吉恩·哈克曼进入演艺圈。 1968年,他凭借《 雌雄大盗 》获得第40届奥斯卡最佳男配角提名。
Gene Hackman, American motion-picture actor known for his rugged appearance and his emotionally honest and natural performances. Among his best-known films are Bonnie and Clyde, The French Connection, The Conversation, Superman, Hoosiers, Mississippi Burning, and Unforgiven.
Eugene Allen "Gene" Hackman (born January 30, 1930) is a retired American actor and novelist. Nominated for five Academy Awards, winning two, Hackman has also won three Golden Globes and two BAFTAs in a career that spanned four decades. He first came to fame in 1967 with his performance as Buck Barrow in Bonnie and Clyde. His major subsequent ...
Gene Hackman ist einer der vielseitigsten und und angesehensten Schauspieler des 20. und beginnenden 21. Jahrhunderts. Der zweifache Oscarpreisträger wurde im Laufe seiner langen...