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  1. › wiki › KreuzzeitungKreuzzeitung - Wikipedia

    Between 1932 and 1939 the official title was simply the Kreuzzeitung. From its first issue to its last, the newspaper used the German motto from the Wars of Liberation "Forward with God for King and Fatherland" as its subtitle. It had editorial offices in various cities in Germany and abroad. Its headquarters was in Berlin.

  2. The newspaper clippings and other publications in this collection focus on political events both in Germany and abroad, in particular assassinations and political violence. They include announcements, analysis and propaganda, exhortations, and numerous political cartoons. The materials are arranged according to geographical area. Also included are political party publications relating to local,...

  3. 28. Apr. 2023 · Historic German Newspapers Online ... The Jerusalem Post, 1932-2008. Italien. Corriere della sera l'archivio pro, ab 05.03.1876 – [Testzugang Mai 2023 – April 2024] Corriere della Archiv ab 1992, kostenfreie Internetressource ...

  4. March 25, 1932. “Tarzan the Ape Man” opens in cinemas, with Olympic gold medal swimmer Johnny Weissmuller in the title role. Weissmuller will star in a total of twelve ‘Tarzan’ films. May 16, 1932. Massive riots between Hindus and Muslims take place in Bombay, leaving thousands dead or injured. May 20-21, 1932.

  5. Description. The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Germany newspaper collection (1871-2001) comprises five-hundred and five (505) different titles of publication. Further analyzed title information can be found in Stanford University Libraries ...

  6. The author is an associate professor of journalism at the School of Journalism, Indiana University. He developed his interest in the German press while serving as chief of the Associated Press bureau in Bonn from 1957 to 1961.

  7. Chronik 1932. JANUAR. 3. 1. Auf Anordnung der britischen Kolonialbehörden wird der Führer der indischen Unabhängigkeitsbewegung "Mahatma" Gandhi (1869-1948) in Bombay verhaftet. Seine Unabhängigkeitspartei hat den Boykott britischer Waren proklamiert.