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  1. Harvard University is devoted to excellence in teaching, learning, and research, and to developing leaders who make a difference globally.

  2. Learn about the people, leadership, history, and global engagement of Harvard, the first college in the American colonies. Explore data, stories, and resources about Harvard's diverse and inclusive community, endowment, and local and global partnerships.

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  3. 22. Mai 2024 · Harvard University. Search. Menu. Study pinpoints two measures that predict effective managers. Efforts launched to turn around plummeting student scores in U.S. history, civics, amid declining citizen engagement across nation. Harvard study, almost 80 years old, has proved that embracing community helps us live longer, and be happier.

  4. 9. Sept. 2024 · Harvard Schools. When you come to Harvard, either to pursue an undergraduate liberal arts concentration from Harvard College or to join one of our 12 graduate and professional Schools, you become part of our legacy of impactful scholarship and cutting-edge research. Learn more about our Schools.

  5. With world-class faculty, groundbreaking research opportunities, and a commitment to a diverse environment of bright, talented students, Harvard is more than just a place to get an education—it's where students come to be transformed.

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  6. Harvard University includes the undergraduate Harvard College, 12 graduate and professional Schools, and the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study.

  7. Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences comprises the following four schools: Harvard College, Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and Harvard Extension School.

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  2. Knowledge to Solve Real Problems in Sustainability, Animals, Nature, Environment & Food. Study Sustainability, Animals, Nature, Environment, Food, Technology, Economics, Forestry.