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  1. Hover over a champion in the Tier List to see which counters and synergies have been identified for that champion, as well as their adjusted win rate. LoL Counter Picker and team building tool, Patch 14.8. Create a dynamic tier list with calculated win rates for both teams.

  2. Mit unserer Counter-Übersicht für League of Legends möchten wir euch dabei helfen, in den richtigen Situationen die richtigen Champions auszuwählen. Außerdem sollen euch verschiedene Tipps dabei helfen, worauf ihr gegen bestimmte Champions achten solltet. Championfilter. Assassine Kämpfer Magier Unterstützung Tank Schütze. Aatrox. Ahri. Akali.

  3. Pick: 7.30 (-0.32) Ban: 44.49 (+14.24) WR: 54.90 (+9.86) WR: 52.30 (+2.57) LoLalytics analyses the current League of Legends meta for the best Build, Runes & Counters for Patch 14.8.

  4. Champion Kombinationen/Counter Statistiken - League of Legends. Matchups. 1,182,399 Spiele ( Letzten 2 Tage ) Startseite. > Matchups. Überblick. Statistiken. ProBuilds. Matchups. Runen. Skills. Items. Beschwörer Spells. Jungle-Routen. Alle Champions. Alle Rollen. Platin+. Alle Regionen. Normale & Ranked. is available in .

  5. Looking for a specific LoL champion matchup? Find the best counters and counter picks to crush your League of Legends opponents today!

  6. List of all 167 Counter Pick Guides for each champion in the Solo Queue game mode. Aatrox. Ahri. Akali. Akshan. Alistar. Amumu. Anivia. Annie. Aphelios. Ashe. Aurelion Sol. Azir. Bard. Bel'Veth. Blitzcrank. Brand. Braum. Briar. Caitlyn. Camille. Cassiopeia. Cho'Gath. Corki. Darius. Diana. Dr. Mundo. Draven. Ekko. Elise. Evelynn. Ezreal.

  7. Find Gwen counters based on role and lane stats including win %, KDA, first bloods, healing, early lead, comeback ratio, counter kills and more for use during champion select. CounterStats: Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends.

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