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Die Einwohner von Los Angeles werden Angelenos [ændʒəˈlinoʊz] genannt. Los Angeles ist Hauptstadt und Verwaltungssitz des Los Angeles County. Die Stadt ist das Wirtschafts-, Geschäfts- und Kulturzentrum Kaliforniens mit zahlreichen Universitäten wie der USC und UCLA, Hochschulen, Forschungsinstituten, Theatern und Museen.
19. Aug. 2022 · Nicknames for Los Angeles include: The City of Angels. La La Land. The Big Orange. El Pueblo. 1. City of Angels. The mostly used nickname for Los Angeles is “City of Angels,” and there’s a good reason behind that. See, “Los Angeles,” which is in Spanish, literally translates to “the Angels.”.
22. Aug. 2023 · Believe it or not, there are 17 popular nicknames for the city, like the City of Flowers and Sunshine or the Entertainment Capital of the World, so you have plenty to learn. Keep reading to discover more of these nicknames, their backgrounds, and how people use them today. 17 Nicknames for Los Angeles. City of Champions. El Pueblo. City of Angels.
- Rebecca Low
The official name, City of Los Angeles has been the city’s official name since at least it became an American city in 1850. On Wednesday, August 2, 1769, Father Juan Crespi, a Franciscan priest accompanying the first European land expedition through California, described in his journal a "beautiful river from the northwest" located at "34 ...
Los Angeles, [ a ] often referred to by its initials L.A., is the most populous city in the U.S. state of California. With roughly 3.9 million residents within the city limits as of 2020, [ 7 ] It is the second-most populous city in the United States, behind only New York City; it is also the commercial, financial and cultural center ...
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10. Apr. 2019 · The city is known by its initials, L.A., and by its nickname, the City of Angels, derived from the Spanish translation of Los Angeles. The official name of the city, City of Los Angeles, has remained unchanged since 1850. However, there is much debate over how the city obtained its name.
20. Aug. 2023 · The original name of Los Angeles, “El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles,” translates to “The Town of Our Lady Queen of the Angels” in English. This name was chosen to honor the Virgin Mary, who is often referred to as the Queen of the Angels.