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  1. › wiki › Mickey_DeansMickey Deans - Wikipedia

    Mickey Deans was an American musician and entrepreneur who married Judy Garland in 1969. He was a disco owner, jazz pianist, drug dealer, and author of a Judy Garland biography.

  2. Over 5 minutes of rare clips from Judy's wedding toMickey Deans on March 15, 1969. This is the most complete footage that has ever been broadcast in one plac...

    • 5 Min.
    • 73,8K
    • Michele Bell
  3. 27. Sept. 2019 · The two Mickeys couldn’t have been more different. Born Mickey DeVinko in Garfield, NJ, Deans was a disco owner, jazz pianist, and drug dealer. He was 12 years younger than Garland.

    • Elena Nicolaou
  4. 27. Sept. 2019 · Deans, whose real name was Michael DeVinko, died in 2003. Judy features yet another account of Deans and Garland's brief marriage. But ultimately, only the star and her fifth husband...

    • Jasmine Ting
  5. 27. Sept. 2019 · Mickey Deans was Judy Garland's fifth and last husband, who died of an overdose three months after her funeral. Her family, especially her daughter Lorna Luft, blamed him for her death and considered him a "putz".

  6. 2. Mai 2021 · Judy Garland marries her fifth and final husband Mickey Deans in Chelsea, London. The wedding would take place only three months before Judy's passing.

    • 9 Min.
    • 3,9K
    • Paul Walsh
  7. Mickey Deans was an American musician, singer, and producer. Although he was a talented performer, he became famous only after marrying the famous American actress Judy Garland. After the untimely death of his wife, Mickey did not remarry.