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  1. Since then, Friedman’s view that the sole social responsibility of the firm is to maximize profits—leaving ethical questions to individuals and governments—has become dominant in both finance and law. It also laid the intellectual foundations for the “shareholder value” revolution of the 1980s.

    • Background of The Friedman Doctrine
    • What Is Social Responsibility?
    • Friedman Doctrine Influence
    • Criticism of The Friedman Doctrine
    • Additional Resources

    The Friedman Doctrine first appeared in the New York Times in 1970 as an essay by Milton Friedman. In the essay, the economist explained that an entity does not have any social responsibility to the society around it whatsoever. Instead, he stated that the only responsibility that an entity should abide by is its shareholders. Friedman justified hi...

    The Friedman Doctrine holds that decisions concerning social responsibility rest on the shoulders of the shareholders, not the executives of the company. He argues that an entity is not obligated to any social responsibilities unless the shareholders decide to such an effect. Any social responsibilities to the society require resources and should, ...

    As an indication of the Friedman Doctrine’s influence in the business arena, many business owners believe that companies should focus on maximizing shareholder value rather than focusing on other activities such as corporate social responsibility. The primary goal for any entity should be to increase the profitability of the business since that is ...

    Despite its success, the doctrine faces its own fair share of criticism from the surrounding society. The doctrine is seen, to a large extent, as individualistic, especially from the societal perspective. Critics consider the doctrine as defective from many fronts, including legally, morally, economically, socially, and financially. Most critics ho...

    Thank you for reading CFI’s explanation of the Friedman Doctrine. In order to help you become a world-class financial analyst and advance your career to your fullest potential, these additional resources will be very helpful: 1. Keynesian Economic Theory 2. Negative Externalities 3. Shareholder Primacy 4. Stakeholder vs Shareholder 5. See all equit...

  2. Portrait of Milton Friedman. The Friedman doctrine, also called shareholder theory, is a normative theory of business ethics advanced by economist Milton Friedman which holds that the social responsibility of business is to increase its profits.

  3. 14. Dez. 2020 · Der Nobelpreisträger Milton Friedman predigte die fast ungezügelte Marktwirtschaft. Seine Doktrin des Shareholder Value hat 50 Jahre später eine Wandlung erfahren.

  4. 25. Sept. 2020 · 50 Jahre Shareholder Value: Impact Investing hätte der Chicagoer Schule um Milton Friedman gefallen, so die Investment-Experten von Candriam. Seit dem im September 1970 in der „New York Times“ erschienenen Leitartikel des Nobelpreisträgers Milton Friedman hat sich die Denkweise über Zweck und Verantwortung von börsennotierten ...

  5. 12. Sept. 2020 · Die Managerlegende Jack Welch und andere Wirtschaftsgrössen konnten damit gar nichts anfangen: Gemeint ist die vor 50 Jahren von Milton Friedman propagierte Doktrin, der Firmenzweck bestehe in...

  6. 21. Apr. 2021 · His primary concern was the dissipation of shareholder value through the conglomerate movement, and the associated loss of corporate focus and accountability. And his warning appears to have been vindicated later in the ’70s, when the Dow Jones average had lost as much as half its value.