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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. The relative sizes of and distance between Mars, Phobos, and Deimos, to scale. (Load the image in full size to see both Moons of Mars.) March 5, 2024: NASA released images of transits of the moon Deimos, the moon Phobos and the planet Mercury as viewed by the Perseverance rover on the planet Mars.

  2. Er zählt zu den erdähnlichen (terrestrischen) Planeten . Sein Durchmesser ist mit knapp 6800 Kilometern etwa halb so groß wie der der Erde und sein Volumen beträgt gut ein Siebtel des Erdvolumens, womit der Mars nach dem Merkur der zweitkleinste Planet des Sonnensystems ist.

    • 0,0934
    • 1,381 – 1,666 AE
    • 1,8506°
    • 1,524 AE, (227,99 Mio. km)
  3. Phobos (/ ˈ f oʊ b ə s /; systematic designation: Mars I) is the innermost and larger of the two natural satellites of Mars, the other being Deimos. The two moons were discovered in 1877 by American astronomer Asaph Hall. It is named after Phobos, the Greek god of fear and panic, who is the son of Ares (Mars) and twin brother of ...

  4. › wiki › MarsMars - Wikipedia

    A 2023 study shows evidence, based on the orbital inclination of Deimos (a small moon of Mars), that Mars may once have had a ring system 3.5 billion years to 4 billion years ago. This ring system may have been formed from a moon, 20 times more massive than Phobos , orbiting Mars billions of years ago; and Phobos would be a remnant ...

  5. Astronomy on Mars. Mosaic of two different Mars Global Surveyor Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) exposures of Earth, the Moon, and Jupiter from 2003. Mars sky turned violet by water ice clouds. Close-up of Mars sky at sunset, showing more color variation, as imaged by Mars Pathfinder.

  6. Probenentnahmen von Phobos. Juli 2030. Abflug aus dem Marsorbit. Juni 2031. Ankunft auf der Erde. Martian Moons Exploration ( MMX) ist eine geplante Raumfahrtmission der japanischen Raumfahrtagentur (JAXA) zur Erforschung der Marsmonde Phobos und Deimos.

  7. › wiki › MoonMoon - Wikipedia

    The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite. It orbits at an average distance of 384,400 km (238,900 mi), about 30 times the diameter of Earth. Over time Earth's gravity has caused tidal locking, causing the same side of the Moon to always face Earth. Because of this, the lunar day and the lunar month are the same length, at 29.5 ...