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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Vor einem Tag · Eddie Boggs (Ned Beatty) Gracie Boggs (Susan Oliver) Stan Michaels (Paul Cavonis) Lt. John Hanley (Edward Power) Spider Gonzales (Rafael Campos) Capt. Roy Devitt (Ward Costello) Emma Doyle ...

  2. Behind the Scenes "Superman: The Movie" circa 1977 Christopher Reeve with Ned Beatty and Director Richard Donner holding the camera. Story written by Mario Puzo, famous for writing "The Godfather". "The Godfather" Marlon Brando also starred in Superman as Jor-El, Superman's natural father.

  3. Vor 2 Tagen · Talented actors like Wesley Snipes, Scarlett Johansson, and Robert Downey Jr. have elevated superhero movies with their compelling performances. Characters like Blade, Black Widow, and Iron Man ...

  4. Vor einem Tag · Un espectacular Ned Beatty, en el papel del magnate Arthur Jensen, explicando a un abatido Howard Beale las «virtudes del capitalismo». Algo que le sintetiza, en un brutal monólogo a Beale, el propio dueño de la cadena, el megalómano, Arthur Jensen (a quien da vida Ned Beatty).

  5. Vor 4 Tagen · However, May keeps the story moving with a plot involving a hitman (Ned Beatty) who has come to take out Nicky. Sometimes, this plot leads to comic set pieces and sometimes to exciting scenes. But May emphasizes the humanity of it all, always focusing on the kind-hearted Mikey and the reckless Nicky.

  6. Vor einem Tag · Behind the Scenes “Superman: The Movie” circa 1977 Christopher Reeve with Ned Beatty and Director Richard Donner holding the camera. Story written by Mario Puzo, famous for writing “The Godfather”. “The Godfather” Marlon Brando also starred in Superman as Jor-El, Superman’s natural father.

  7. Vor 19 Stunden · Ausstrahlung auch im englischen Originalton Ein Drogenfahnder, der nur noch vier Monate bis zur Pensionierung hat, verprügelt einen Drogenhändler und bedroht ihn mit einem Messer. Als der Polizist versucht, dies zu vertuschen, kommt es zu Erpressung und Mord. In der Zwischenzeit findet eine Operation zur Aufdeckung der 'Tucson-Connection' statt, eines großen Drogenrings, der in San ...