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  1. Vor 2 Tagen · By Lucian Tudor Oswald Spengler is by now well-known as one of the major thinkers of the German Conservative Revolution of the early 20th Century. In fact, he is frequently cited as having been one of the most determining intellectual influences on German Conservatism of the interwar period – along with Arthur Moeller van den…

  2. Vor einem Tag · Oswald Spengler. (Bildkälla: Wikipedia) LITTERÄRA KLASSIKER. Det är med blandade känslor som Jesper Nordström har läst Oswald Spenglers klassiska verk ”Västerlandets undergång”. Likväl konstaterar Nordström att det rör sig om ett oroande verk vars idéhistoriska betydelse vi inte kan bortse från.

  3. Vor einem Tag · Carrol Quigley is an American reaction to the challenge of Oswald Spengler’s thesis of decline. He describes the evolution of civilizations as going through seven similar phases. Crucially however, he leaves a lot of space for human agency. For example, in the Age of Expansion, if societies can reinvent a new instrument of expansion, the civilization can reset itself for a sizeable period.

  4. › wiki › GhostbustersGhostbusters - Wikipedia

    Vor 2 Tagen · He took the character's first name from a Hungarian refugee with whom he attended school, and the surname from German historian Oswald Spengler. Apart from the three main stars, Medjuck was largely responsible for casting the roles. Hudson auditioned five times for the role of Winston Zeddemore.

  5. Vor 5 Tagen · Oswald Spengler présente les trois grands défis que nous aurons à affronter : le réveil de grandes puissances, les mouvements révolutionnaires et égalitaires et le soulèvement du tiers-monde.

  6. Vor 4 Tagen · Contents. Order of Nine Angles. The Order of Nine Angles ( ONA or O9A) is a Satanic and left-hand path occultist group which is based in the United Kingdom, and associated groups are based in other parts of the world. Claiming to have been established in the 1960s, it rose to public recognition in the early 1980s, attracting attention for its ...

  7. Vor 5 Tagen · Oswald Spengler est généralement connu seulement pour le titre de son chef-d’œuvre, « Le déclin de l’Occident ». Avec un titre pareil, Spengler passe assurément pour le décliniste par excellence, pour l’esprit chagrin qui vient nous expliquer que nous touchons à notre fin et qu’il ne nous reste plus qu’à couler en ...