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  1. Ray Romano ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler und Komiker italienischer Abstammung, der vor allem durch die Serie Alle lieben Raymond bekannt wurde. Er spielte auch in Filmen wie Ice Age, Men of a Certain Age und The Irishman mit und wurde mehrfach für den Emmy nominiert.

  2. › wiki › Ray_RomanoRay Romano - Wikipedia

    Raymond Albert Romano[1] (born December 21, 1957) [2] is an American stand-up comedian, and actor. He is best known for his role as Raymond "Ray" Barone on the CBS sitcom Everybody Loves Raymond, for which he won three Primetime Emmy Awards (one as an actor and two as producer).

  3. › name › nm0005380Ray Romano - IMDb

    IMDb provides an extensive overview of Ray Romano's life and career, from his stand-up comedy to his TV shows and movies. Learn about his personal details, trivia, trademarks, salaries, and more.

    • January 1, 1
    • 1.87 m
    • Queens, New York City, New York, USA
  4. Ray Romano. Actor: Everybody Loves Raymond. Ray Romano grew up in Forest Hills, Queens. He performed in the NYC comedy club circuit before landing a guest spot on The Letterman Show. It was here that he propelled his TV show Everybody Loves Raymond.

    • December 21, 1957
  5. Entdecke alle Serien und Filme von Ray Romano. Von den Anfängen seiner 28 Karriere-Jahre bis zu geplanten Projekten.

  6. Von 1996 bis 2006 begeistert der Stand-Up-Komiker Ray Romano die Fans und Emmy-Juroren mit seiner Sitcom Everybody Loves Raymond. 2009 versucht er erneut die Herzen der Serienjunkies zu erobern...

  7. Ray Romano (born December 21, 1957, Queens, New York, U.S.) is an American comedian and actor perhaps best known as the bumbling well-intentioned father in the television show Everybody Loves Raymond (1996–2005), a witty and insightful portrayal of the quotidian travails of family life.

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