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  1. In der Narragansett Bay liegt die namensgebende Insel Rhode Island. Es ist mit seiner Gesamtgröße von 3144 km² der flächenmäßig kleinste US-Bundesstaat. Seine Landfläche von 2709 km² ist etwa so groß wie das Saarland (2569 km²), Vorarlberg (2533 km²) oder der Kanton Tessin (2812 km²).

  2. › wiki › Rhode_IslandRhode Island - Wikipedia

    Rhode Island is the smallest U.S. state by area and the seventh-least populous, with slightly fewer than 1.1 million residents as of 2020; [9] but it has grown at every decennial count since 1790 and is the second-most densely populated state, after New Jersey.

  3. Rhode Island (wymowa:/rɵˈdaɪlɨnd/ ⓘ wymowa:/rɵˈdaɪlɨnd/) – stan w północno-wschodniej części Stanów Zjednoczonych, na wybrzeżu Oceanu Atlantyckiego, w regionie Nowej Anglii. Najmniejszy stan pod względem powierzchni, na północy i wschodzie graniczy ze stanem Massachusetts, a na zachodzie z Connecticut.

  4. Rhode Island steht für eine endlos lange Küste, geschichtsträchtige Bauten & feinste Kulinarik. Dabei gibt es noch so viel mehr zu entdecken – Wir verraten dir was!

  5. Visit Rhode Island for your next vacation and experience all The Ocean State has to offer, from art and history to New England charm and adventure on the water.

  6. Vor 4 Tagen · Rhode Island, constituent state of the United States of America. It was one of the country’s 13 original states but was the last of the 13 to ratify the U.S. Constitution. Founded by Roger Williams, its first English settlement on the mainland was Providence Plantations on Narragansett Bay.

  7. 1. Aug. 2023 · Add miles of beautiful beaches – Rhode Island has an extensive shoreline – a rich cultural life, and an idyllic island, and you'll see why Rhode Island should be on any New England sightseeing itinerary. Perhaps the feature I find most endearing is Rhode Island's unique and quirky food culture.

  8. Are you planning a vacation or visit to Rhode Island? We've gathered the essential travel information you'll need to help you plan for your next visit including outdoor activities, regional foods, beaches, attractions, events, Newport County and our state history.

  9. Dank der atemberaubenden Landschaften, der wunderschönen Atlantikstrände und der unzähligen Aktivitäten, die diese mit sich bringen, gilt der kleine Bundesstaat Rhode Island als Traumziel für Naturliebhaber.

  10. Rhode Island (RI) is the smallest state of the United States of America, tucked between Massachusetts and Connecticut in New England. Nonetheless, it has over 400 mi (640 km) of coastline, courtesy of Narragansett Bay and islands such as Aquidneck Island, home to Newport, the "City by the Sea".

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