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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Von 2008 bis 2013 spielte Perlman die Rolle des Clay Morrow in der US-Serie Sons of Anarchy. Ron Perlman war seit dem 14. Februar 1981 mit der Modedesignerin Opal Stone verheiratet.

  2. › wiki › Ron_PerlmanRon Perlman - Wikipedia

    Perlman at the 41st Primetime Emmy Awards in September 1989. Perlman started his career as a stage actor in 1975 and made his television debut in Ryan's Hope in 1979. He made his feature film debut in Jean-Jacques Annaud's film Quest for Fire (1981).

  3. Ron Perlmans Filmografie nennt die Filme und Serien, in denen der Filmschauspieler Ron Perlman mitgewirkt hat. In seiner mehr als 30-jährigen Filmkarriere war er in mehr als 200 Film- und Fernsehproduktionen zu sehen.

  4. › name › nm0000579Ron Perlman - IMDb

    Ron Perlman is a classically-trained actor who has appeared in countless stage plays, feature films and television productions. Ronald N. Perlman was born April 13, 1950 in Washington Heights, Manhattan, New York.

  5. Ron Perlman is a classically-trained actor who has appeared in countless stage plays, feature films and television productions. Ronald N. Perlman was born April 13, 1950 in Washington Heights, Manhattan, New York. His mother, Dorothy (Rosen), is retired from the City Clerk's Office.

  6. Ron Perlman ist ein US-Schauspieler, der als Titelheld des Films Hellboy eine große Fangemeinde gewinnen konnte. Serienfans ist er aus der Biker-Serie Sons of Anarchy...

  7. Entdecke alle Serien und Filme von Ron Perlman. Von den Anfängen seiner 43 Karriere-Jahre bis zu geplanten Projekten.

  8. List of Ron Perlman performances. American actor Ron Perlman has had an extensive career in both stage and screen since he started acting in 1975. His first television role was on the soap opera Ryan's Hope in 1979. He went on to play Vincent on the fantasy - drama series Beauty and the Beast opposite Linda Hamilton (1987–1990 ...

  9. Ronald Perlman (born April 13, 1950) is an American actor and voice-over actor. His best known roles are as Clay Morrow on Sons of Anarchy (20082013), Hellboy in Hellboy (2004) and its sequel Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008), Vincent on the series Beauty and the Beast (1987–1990) for which he won a Golden Globe Award, Salvatore in The ...

  10. Ron Perlman ist ein amerikanischer Schauspieler, Ausführender Produzent. Entdecke seine Biographie, Details seiner 43 Karriere-Jahre und alle News.

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