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  1. Vor 14 Stunden · Yet, this too, is also nothing new. Anyone with a baseline cognisance of geo-political affairs can tell you Ronald Reagan was and remains controversial, and depending on which biography you read it is not difficult to find oscillating verdicts on his presidency. But, whereas hitherto such discussions existed as differences in academic opinion ...

  2. Vor einer Stunde · Max Boot discussed his new biography on Ronald Reagan, titled "Reagan: His Life and Legend." The book is 10 years in the making.

  3. Vor 14 Stunden · 1968 United States presidential election

  4. Vor 14 Stunden · The Keys to the White House

  5. Vor 14 Stunden · The Wall Street Journal

  6. Vor 14 Stunden · The River (Bruce Springsteen album)

  7. Vor 14 Stunden · Im Jahr 1968 gab Irving J. Sloan mit Franklin Pierce 1804 – 1869: Chronology – Documents eine Sammlung wichtiger Dokumente zu seiner Biographie heraus. Als die wissenschaftlich umfassendste Darstellung gilt Franklin Pierce: Young Hickory of the Granite Hills von Roy Franklin Nichols (1931), während Lary Gara (1991) eine stark interpretierende Monographie veröffentlichte.