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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Scandinavian Braille is a braille alphabet used, with differences in orthography and punctuation, for the languages of the mainland Nordic countries: Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish. In a generally reduced form it is used for Greenlandic .

    • alphabet
  2. Danish Braille (punktskrift) follows the general principles of Scandinavian braille, with differences in orthography and punctuation, as used for the languages of the mainland Nordic countries: Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish.

    Braille Dots
  3. › wiki › BrailleBraille - Wikipedia

    Braille is read by people who are blind, deafblind or who have low vision, and by both those born with a visual impairment and those who experience sight loss later in life. Braille may also be used by print impaired people, who although may be fully sighted, due to a physical disability are unable to read print.

    • Several
  4. Scandinavian Braille is a braille alphabet used, with differences in orthography and punctuation, for the languages of the mainland Nordic countries: Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish. In a generally reduced form it is used for Greenlandic.

  5. Braille international. Wie man in der Ferne punktet. Ein Beitrag von Vivian Aldridge, Ausbildungskoordinator bei der Sehbehindertenhilfe Basel und Vertreter des Verbands für Blinden- und Sehbehindertenpädagogik im Komitee der Brailleschriftkommission der deutschsprachigen Länder. Zeit seines Lebens hat Louis Braille Frankreich nicht verlassen.

  6. EBU promotes braille and braille literacy as essential tools for the autonomy of blind and partially sighted individuals.

  7. Braille standards for the Swedish language are published as Svenska skrivregler för punktskrift, also available in paper braille and in print. Letters with diacritical marks. å latin small letter a with ring above. ö latin small letter o with diaeresis. ä latin small letter a with diaeresis. ü latin small letter u with diaeresis