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Vor 2 Stunden · A new study from Stanford University scientists may point to a delicious new way to see inside the body. NPR's Ayesha Rascoe tells us about the connection between Doritos and medical imaging.
Vor 2 Stunden · A new study from Stanford University scientists may point to a delicious new way to see inside the body. NPR's Ayesha Rascoe tells us about the connection between Doritos and medical imaging.
Vor 11 Stunden · STANFORD, Calif. (AP) Tiger Bachmeier had a 90-yard punt return for touchdown in the third quarter, sparking Stanford to a 41-7 win over Cal Poly on Saturday.
Vor 4 Stunden · A Dye Is Making Skin Temporarily Invisible, Scientists At Stanford Find. The application of the dye was found to reveal underlying blood vessels and even some organs visible without any invasive ...
Vor 14 Stunden · Bundeswirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck (Grüne, Archivbild): Wärmepumpenunternehmer Jan Ossenbrink lobt das Heizungsgesetz, kritisiert aber die Bundesregierung. (Quelle: Kay Nietfeld/dpa/dpa ...
Vor 3 Stunden · Stanford University (US) The course titled ‘Storytelling with Taylor Swift Through the Eras in 2023’ aims to apply literary analysis tools to her lyrics to gain new insights into her multilayered music, read the website of the University. Being a student-initiated course, Swift’s musical storytelling and literary lyrics will remain the ...
Vor 14 Stunden · Le professeur de psychologie à Stanford déconstruit les différents mythes qui entourent la notion de "cynisme". Et adresse un conseil aux chefs d’entreprise pour éviter que ce travers ne s ...