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  1. ① K SV 为 Stern-Volmer 双分子碰撞猝灭常数,而 K S 为配合物形成常数或缔合常数。动态猝灭的速率常数 k q ( K SV = k q τ 0 )在扩散控制的条件下不大于 10 10 ,而静态猝灭过程的速率常数 k q (假定是动态猝灭 K S = k q τ 0 )远大于 10 10 。

  2. 11. Jan. 2007 · Me habló muy golpeado. Meaning that the tone of voice used was too _____ (?) How can I say this in English?

  3. 23. Jan. 2007 · The name of a book by Fritz R. Stern is The politics of cultural despair: a study in the rise of the Germanic Ideology with its review beginning like This is a study in the pathology of cultural criticism. Why such a choice? English might not be Mr. Stern's native language but his book may well have been proofread. How would describe the sense?

  4. 23. Dez. 2023 · 用荧光强度和荧光寿命做 Stern-Volmer图可能会有区别,这和淬灭的机理相关。 如果是 动态淬灭 ,两者一致,如果是 静态淬灭 ,因为激发态分子与淬灭剂发生能量转移等相互作用而不发射荧光,可能无法得到 τ₀/τ 对B浓度的斜率,而用荧光强度比 I₀/I 会得到一条或凹或凸的曲线。

  5. 2. Apr. 2020 · Yes, that’s fine. You could also ask: What is the Chef’s specialty? (Be advised: In know from experience that in some places, the specialty is just the laziest thing the chef can cook up )

  6. 13. Juli 2009 · Hello everybody, in the novel “Lord Jim “ by J. Conrad I have found the following passage : “ He was spotlessly neat, apparelled in immaculate white from shoes to hat, and in the various Eastern ports where he got his living as ship-chandler's water-clerk he was very popular. His work...

  7. 2. Feb. 2008 · 1992 J. STERN & M. STERN Encycl. Pop Culture 437/2 School children learned to give noogies to each other (a 1950s classroom torture of rubbing knuckles over someone else's head, revived by SNL nerds Todd and Lisa).

  8. 9. Nov. 2012 · Normally, one paddles a canoe, but I have a large canoe with oarlocks so I can row it. (Unless I have a small motor mounted on the square stern and then I drive it) As you can see, the answer is not a simple one.

  9. 5. Jan. 2016 · Likewise, Baker and Kennedy (1994) distinguish between 'real' nostalgia and 'simulated' nostalgia. The former is a nostalgia for some remembered past time, the one Davis (1979) identified originally; the latter is a form of vicarious nostalgia evoked from stories, images, and possessions (Belk, 1988; Baker & Kennedy, 1994; Stern, 1992).

  10. 10. Dez. 2006 · Who did you buy it for? is what most people would say and is standard English. Whom did you buy it for? is the formal way of saying it.

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