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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. The President Is Missing as it's meant to be heard, narrated by Dennis Quaid, January LaVoy, Peter Ganim, Jeremy Davidson, Mozhan Marnò. Discover the English Audiobook at Audible.

  2. Big and fast," from the World's #1 Bestselling Author, James Patterson, and former US President, Bill Clinton, a powerhouse team delivering the most gripping and surprising thriller in years (Michael Connelly). "Ambitious and wildly readable... Clinton and Patterson's fictional commander in chief brims with humanity, character and stoicism."—New York Times Book Review

  3. 4. Juni 2018 · The President is Missing opens up with what is supposed to be a hearing from an oversight committee with the President as their intended perp, but it is revealed to be a mock session set up by his team of advisors. It turns out that because of a questionable decision made by the president, the Speaker of the House now has it out for him. Due to national security implications theres not a lot ...

    • 1 Min.
  4. Even the President himself is not exempted and he becomes a suspect. Suddenly, he disappears from public view. Set over the course of only three days, The President Is Missing highlights the vulnerabilities and the inner workings of our great nation. This novel is filled with information that only a former President would know. This is the most ...

  5. 5. Juni 2018 · THE PRESIDENT IS MISSING By Bill Clinton and James Patterson 513 pp. Little, Brown & Company and Alfred A. Knopf. $30. When Tom Wolfe noted that “the problem with fiction” is that “it has to ...

  6. 17. Juni 2018 · Former president Bill Clinton has contributed to a cyberthriller "The President is Missing", the plot of which is that the president stops a cybervirus from destroying the country. This is scary, because people in Washington D.C. are going to read this book, believe the hacking portrayed has some basis in reality, and base policy on it.

  7. It goes without saying that The President Is Missing is written in the present tense, or, to be accurate, in a specialist subset of that tense. Think of it as the hysteric present ... Let’s be fair, though. Somehow, The President Is Missing rises above its blithely forgivable faults. It’s a go-to read. It maximizes its potency and fulfills ...