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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. 14. Nov. 2018 · Theresa May vows to fight on as UK Prime Minister in the face of intense opposition to her troubled Brexit deal, cabinet resignations and the possibility of vote of no-confidence. Get the latest ...

  2. 7. Dez. 2018 · Theresa May insisted the deal negotiated with the EU was in the UK national interest and delivered on the result of the June 2016 referendum. Its supporters argued it was a sensible compromise ...

  3. 2. März 2018 · Here is the full text of Theresa May's Mansion House speech setting out her vision for the UK's relationship with the EU after Brexit. I am here today to set out my vision for the future economic ...

  4. 16. Jan. 2019 · Brexit has dominated Theresa May’s stint as British prime minister. It could also be her downfall. She has battled to reconcile opposing factions within her own Conservative party on how the UK ...

  5. Kurz nach dem EU-Gipfel in Salzburg im September 2018 sah Theresa May die Brexit-Verhandlungen in einer Sackgasse. In Salzburg verwehrte sie der Europäischen Union zum wiederholten Male Zugeständnisse bei der Personenfreizügigkeit für Staatsangehörige der EU-Mitgliedstaaten und führte in einer Fernsehansprache aus: „Kein Abkommen ist ...

  6. 29. März 2023 · Der von Theresa May ausgearbeitete Vertrag scheiterte im Parlament – unter anderem am Widerstand Boris Johnsons, der 2019 ihr Amt übernahm – diesmal mit dem Slogan: „Get Brexit Done“.

  7. 8. März 2024 · Westminster says farewell to Britain’s second female premier, who was brought down by Conservative Party civil wars over Europe. When she came to office in 2016, Theresa May had everything going for her: a united party, a supportive electorate, and all the experience and strength of character to make a success of her role as Britain’s second female prime minister.