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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. UCLAs Joe Way is leading the charge to transform learning technology. The digital spaces executive director is taking a holistic approach to advance goal 4 of UCLA’s Strategic Plan: to elevate teaching. Source: UCLA Newsroom. All News & Features.

  2. Die University of California, Los Angeles wurde 1919 gegründet und ist der drittälteste Campus der University of California. Die UCLA ist eine der renommiertesten Universitäten der Welt und befindet sich im Stadtteil Westwood von Los Angeles. Sie nahm 1969 am Arpanet teil, dem Vorläufer des heutigen Internet. Damit gehört sie ...

  3. On May 23, 1919, the Southern Californians' efforts were rewarded when Governor William D. Stephens signed Assembly Bill 626 into law, which acquired the land and buildings and transformed the Los Angeles Normal School into the Southern Branch of the University of California.

  4. UCLA offers a vast array of degree programs and areas of study for undergraduate and graduate students. Your academic pursuits can flex to suit your needs. You can study abroad, pursue a minor in addition to your major or even earn two degrees at once.

  5. As a public research university, our mission is the creation, dissemination, preservation and application of knowledge for the betterment of our global society. UCLA combines the close-knit learning environment of a spirited public school with the endless opportunities of a world-class city.

  6. As the highest-ranked public university in the nation, UCLA is a sought-after destination for students from all walks of life who are eager to be part of an academic culture that values public service. Join a diverse family of students and faculty who want to make an impact with their life’s work.

  7. An overview of the data that makes UCLA unique. One of our greatest values as a university lies in our ability to positively impact society by bringing together diverse minds from around the world and celebrating different points of view.

  8. › sports › mens-basketballMen's Basketball - UCLA

    4. Nov. 2012 · The official Men's Basketball page for the UCLA Bruins.

  9. Find all the information you need regarding upcoming UCLA Admission events and activities. Events are seasonal, usually clustering around fall and spring quarters.

  10. Visit UCLA Admission to learn about applying and explore UCLAs academics, campus life, tuition, financial aid, research, internships, study abroad programs and more.

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