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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Die Universität Oslo (norwegisch Universitetet i Oslo, lateinisch Universitas Osloensis) ist mit 30.505 Studenten und 6.595 Angestellten (Stand: 2019) die älteste und zweitgrößte Universität Norwegens. Sie wurde 1811 als die Königliche Friedrichs-Universität (Universitas Regia Fredericiana, norwegisch/dänisch Kgl.

    • staatlich
  2. The University of Oslo is a leading European university and Norways largest. UiO is home to outstanding research and offers a great variety in study options.

  3. Forsiden - Universitetet i Oslo. Vi utdanner studenter med kunnskap, evne og vilje til å skape en bedre verden. Se alt om studier. Se vårt studietilbud. Alle studieprogrammer. Bachelor, master, ph.d. Finn et emne. Alle emner. Finn pensum, timeplan og eksamen. Canvas. Mine studier. Se alt om studier. Finn ansatte og studenter.

  4. The University of Oslo is a leading European university. As Norways oldest of its kind, UiO has been committed to excellence in education, research, science communication and innovation since 1811. UiO in numbers – 2023. 7 200 employees. 26 100 students. 8 faculties. 2 museums. 1 university library. 241 study programmes. 4 921 students graduated.

  5. Admission to the University of Oslo. How to apply to the University of Oslo as an international applicant. Admission to. Bachelor's programmes. Master's programmes taught in English. PhD programmes. Exchange programmes and bilateral agreements. Single courses on bachelor's level. Norwegian for Academics (NORA) The International Summer School.

  6. 15. Dez. 2023 · Universitäten. Norwegen. Oslo. Neueste Ranking-Updates zu den Universitäten in Oslo. 06 Mar, 2024: Veröffentlichung von Scimago Institutions Rankings. University of Oslo mit dem höchsten Rang #138 unter den Universitäten in Oslo. 25 Jan, 2024: THE World’s Most International Universities aktualisiert University of Oslo auf Position 73.

  7. The University of Oslo (Norwegian: Universitetet i Oslo; Latin: Universitas Osloensis) is a public research university located in Oslo, Norway. It is the oldest university in Norway and consistently considered the country's leading university and one of the highest ranked universities in the Nordic countries .