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  1. The University of Aberdeen, Scotland, is a Top 20 UK university with outstanding levels of student satisfaction.

    • Undergraduate Degrees

      Undergraduate Degrees - University of Aberdeen

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      Welcome to a city open to all, a university ever-evolving....

    • Quick Links

      Quick links to key pages across our website. The University...

    • About

      Established to serve the north-east of Scotland, today our...

    • Research

      University of Aberdeen joins The Turing University Network....

    • Alumni & Giving

      The University of Aberdeen boasts a fantastic array of...

    • Business

      The University is proud to have a longstanding reputation...

    • Subject Areas

      Art History at Aberdeen provides the opportunity to study...

  2. Die Universität Aberdeen ist eine öffentliche Universität in Schottland, die 1495 gegründet wurde. Sie bietet über 550 Bachelor- und 110 Masterstudiengänge an und hat fünf Nobelpreisträger hervorgebracht.

  3. Welcome to a city open to all, a university ever-evolving. What does our ancient tradition of modern thinking mean for you? It means being at the forefront of change – the chance to explore your potential at a research-intensive university that’s home to over 525 years of discovery.

  4. Established to serve the north-east of Scotland, today our university is a global presence in higher education. A dual focus on our region and the wider world is as important to us today as it was five centuries ago.

  5. The University of Aberdeen (abbreviated Aberd. in post-nominals; Scottish Gaelic: Oilthigh Obar Dheathain) is a public research university in Aberdeen, Scotland.

  6. 27. März 2021 · Die University of Aberdeen ist die fünft-älteste Universität Großbritanniens (Gründung 1495) und wird zurzeit von ca. 15.000 Studenten besucht. Aberdeen ist nach Inverness, die nördlichste Studentenstadt Schottlands und geprägt durch rustikale Granitgebäude, kilometerlange Sandstrände und ein aktives Pub-leben!

  7. Find the latest world rank for University of Aberdeen and key information for prospective students..

  1. Get Information about Our Courses at Both Undergraduate and Graduate Level. Knowledge to Solve Real Problems in Sustainability, Animals, Nature, Environment & Food.

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