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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Die Neue Sachlichkeit im Überblick: Die Neue Sachlichkeit ist eine Strömung zur Zeit der Weimarer Republik (1918–1933). Typisch ist eine sachliche, einfache und präzise Sprache. Thematisch wurden die zeitgeschichtlichen Ereignisse dokumentiert: die Folgen des Ersten Weltkrieges und die sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Probleme der Weimarer ...

  2. Die Neue Sachlichkeit beschreibt die literarische Strömung zur Zeit der Weimarer Republik , die von 1918 bis 1933 andauerte. Merkmale der Neuen Sachlichkeit sind der Verzicht auf bildhafte Stilmittel und auf eine ausführliche Darstellung von Emotionen. Die Neue Sachlichkeit bevorzugt eine neutrale, realistische und distanzierte Aufnahme der ...

  3. The Weimar Republic was a turbulent and fateful time in German history. Characterized by economic and political instability, polarization, and radicalism, the period witnessed the efforts of many German writers to play a leading political role, whether directly, in the chaotic years of 1918-1919, or indirectly, through their works. The novelists chosen range from such now-canonical authors as ...

  4. Weimar culture was the emergence of the arts and sciences that happened in Germany during the Weimar Republic, the latter during that part of the interwar period between Germany's defeat in World War I in 1918 and Hitler's rise to power in 1933. [1] 1920s Berlin was at the hectic center of the Weimar culture. [1]

  5. The Weimar Republic was a turbulent and fateful time in German history. Characterized by economic and political instability, polarization, and radicalism, the period witnessed the efforts of many German writers to play a leading political role, whether directly, in the chaotic years of 1918-1919, or indirectly, through their works.

  6. 9. Feb. 2005 · The literature of the Weimar Republic (1918-1933) is, in the words of Marcel Reich-Ranicki, a literature “between two German catastrophes”. Just as the political, economic, and social history of Germany between 1918 and 1933 can hardly be separated from the decline of the German empire during the First World War or the rise of the “Third Reich” in the 1930s, so too is it nearly ...