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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. The Weimar Republic. "Weimar Republic" is the name given to the German government between the end of the Imperial period (1918) and the beginning of Nazi Germany (1933). Political turmoil and violence, economic hardship, and also new social freedoms and vibrant artistic movements characterized the complex Weimar period.

  2. 15. Nov. 2023 · The Weimar Republic Sourcebook represents the most comprehensive documentation of Weimar culture, history, and politics assembled in any language. It invites a wide community of readers to discover the richness and complexity of the turbulent years in Germany before Hitler's rise to power. Drawing from such primary sources as magazines, newspapers, manifestoes, and official documents (many ...

  3. Moving, pulsating, cosmopolitan – visitors are enthralled by the art and culture, music and history, the lighter muse and fresh creativity. Along with all the splendour of the city of culture, the darker side of Buchenwald cannot be separated from Weimar. The memorials on the Ettersberg and in the city are deliberately dedicated to memory.

  4. Willkommen in der Kulturstadt Weimar: Informationen zur Stadt, Sehenswürdigkeiten, offizielle Tourist-Information, Rathaus und Wirtschaft.

  5. › themen › erster-weltkrieg-weimarWeimarer Republik |

    Die Weimarer Republik war in den bald 100 Jahren seit ihrer Gründung schon so einiges: erste deutsche Demokratie, Republik ohne Republikaner, Zwischenkriegszeit, aber auch Negativfolie und Identitätsressource zugleich. Und auch in gegenwärtigen politischen Debatten wird immer wieder vor "Weimarer Verhältnissen" gewarnt.

  6. Marion Kyritz-Kammerer In dem Vorderfelde 16 99441 Kiliansroda Tel.: +49 36453 80754 visitweimar(at)