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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Zeitgeist is a software package that remembers your activities to assist in narrowing down what you want to do. Learn how to disable it, what it logs and how it differs from the movie Zeitgeist.

  2. Learn how to install zeitgeist, a service that logs user activities and events, on Ubuntu 20.04 using different methods: apt, apt-get and aptitude. Also, find out how to uninstall zeitgeist and its dependencies.

  3. › title › ZeitgeistZeitgeist - ArchWiki

    Zeitgeist is a service which logs user activities and events, anywhere from files opened to websites visited or conversations held via email and more. It makes this information readily available for other applications to use in the form of timelines and statistics. See the

  4. 24. Nov. 2020 · A user asks how to use zeitgeist, a tracker that dumps data, after installing it with apt. An answer suggests downloading and installing zeitgeist-explorer from 18.04 LTS repository.

  5. Also fertigte ich einen Live-Stick an und installierte Ubuntu in der letzten LTS-Version gleich neu, bevor ich hier noch mehr herumwurstel. Eine Zeile im selben Thread weiter förderte die brauchbare Lösung zutage. Der Befehl. sudo apt-get remove zeitgeist zeitgeist-datahub zeitgeist-core

  6. Zeitgeist (free software) In free software, Zeitgeist is a software service which logs the users 's activities and events, anywhere from files opened to websites visited and conversations. It makes this information readily available for other applications to use in the form of timelines and statistics.