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  1. Vor 5 Tagen · Ein leicht gewölbter Bauch und ein müdes Gesicht – mehr brauchte es nicht, um Gerüchte über eine mögliche Schwangerschaft von der Lebensgefährtin von Julian Lennon (John Lennons Sohn) loszutreten. Umso mehr, als eine dem Paar nahestehende Quelle den glücklichen Umstand bestätigt haben soll.

  2. 23. Aug. 2024 · Here’s how it works. Appearing this Sunday, August 25, as part of Liverpool's International Beatle Week is May Pang, the former personal assistant to John Lennon and Yoko Ono who was drawn into a romantic relationship with Lennon for 18 months when Ono and Lennon temporarily separated in 1973.

  3. Vor 3 Tagen · John Lennon lebte nun auf Dauer bei Julia Lennons Schwester Mary Smith (1906–1991), genannt „Mimi“, und deren Ehemann George (1903–1955), der eine Art Ersatzvater für ihn darstellte, [4] in „ Mendips “ im Liverpooler Vorort Woolton und hatte zunächst nur wenig Kontakt zu seiner Mutter.

  4. 3. Sept. 2024 · After giving birth to her son, Julian, in April 1963, Cynthia Lennon experienced first-hand the impact of her husband’s fame as fans started to show up outside their home. “I had a weirdo at the door one day when I was on my own with Julian,” she told the BBC.

  5. 29. Aug. 2024 · Julian’s fraught relationship with his father haunted his breakout single “Valotte” (1984). But he’s been honing his photography ever since he was a child, too. Over email, Lennon recounted that he remembers documenting “beautiful summer holidays by the beach, or funny skiing pictures of friends and family.” Julian Lennon, Down To The Wire (2014).

  6. 15. Aug. 2024 · For two years, Julian had little contact with his father. However, starting in 1973, they began to reconnect through their shared love of music. Despite these efforts, the perception that Lennon had willfully abandoned Julian in his early years lingered, casting a shadow over their bond.

  7. 19. Aug. 2024 · Furthermore, as a photographer Julian has photographed U2, ZZ Top, and his half-brother, Sean Ono Lennon. Julian and his father did have a rocky relationship following his parents’ divorce in...