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Goldin Vintage Quarterly Auction Preview. Extended Bidding FAQ. Bidders who bid on a specific lot before 07:00 PM have 30 additional minutes to bid on that lot. Each time a bidder enters a new bid on the lot, the clock resets to 30 minutes.
Vor einem Tag · The Bold and the Beautiful is an American television soap opera, created by William J. Bell and Lee Phillip Bell for CBS. Debuting on March 23, 1987, [1] John McCook (Eric Forrester) and Katherine Kelly Lang (Brooke Logan) are the two longest-running cast members, each having appeared since the first episode. [2][3] The following list is of ...
Vor einem Tag · Weekly Auction 24 Sep - 3 Oct. Extended Bidding FAQ. Lots that receive more than 1 bid before 07:00 PM on closing day will remain open for bidding for 15 additional minutes. The timer resets to 15 minutes with each new bid until the timer expires with no new bids.