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  1. Vor 5 Tagen · She was an ordinary young woman, a plasterer's daughter from a large Italian-American family, born in Jersey City in 1917. Her given names were Nancy Rose, her maiden name Barbato.

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    Vor 13 Stunden · Frank Sinatra and Nancy Barbato met as teenagers at the Jersey Shore. The couple tied the knot in 1939 and soon welcomed three children. Although Sinatra was known to cheat, Barbato stuck by his side and was publicly praised for withstanding the indignity of her husband's transgressions.

  3. Vor 2 Tagen · Sinatra was married to Nancy Sinatra (née Barbato) from 1939 to 1951. The couple had three children, Nancy (born 1940), Frank Jr. (1944–2016) and Tina (born 1948). [ 468 ] [ 469 ]

  4. Vor 13 Stunden · 2024 12.53. Frank Sinatra in Ava Gardner sta imela zelo dramatično in turbulentno zvezo. Njun zakon je bil poln prepirov in prevar, a zdi se, da je bila njuna ljubezen resnična. Mnogi so vedeli, da Frank Sinatra ni bil zvest svoji ženi Nancy Barbato, s katero je imel tri otroke, a o ločitvi ni razmišljal. Šele ko je v njegovo življenje ...

  5. Vor 3 Tagen · In 1951, Nancy Barbato reluctantly granted Sinatra a divorce and he married Gardner in a small ceremony in Pennsylvania that same year. The idyllic honeymoon would not last; the day before the wedding, she received a letter from a prostitute claiming to have been sleeping with her sweetheart for months.

  6. Vor einem Tag · Za Sinatrom je bila luda, ali ga je svejedno varala, pogotovo na poslovnim putovanjima. Ava nije voljela biti sama, a navodno je spavala i s redateljima, tehničarima i brojnim članovima sa seta. Veliki zavodnik bio je i Sinatra. Ipak, Frank se bojao da će izgubiti Avu, a živcirali su ga svi muškarci s kojima je radila. Profimedia.

  7. Vor einem Tag · She is his daughter, born to him and his first wife, Nancy Barbato. Donna Sinatra D'Alessandro has followed in her father's footsteps and become a successful singer and actress. Here are 5 key ...

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