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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. William Martin „Billy“ Joel (* 9. Mai 1949 in New York City) ist ein US-amerikanischer Sänger, Pianist und Songschreiber. Er trägt den Beinamen „Piano Man“ nach seinem gleichnamigen Hit aus dem Jahr 1973.

  2. Billy Joel's new single, Turn the Lights Back On, out now! See Billy at Madison Square Garden and more tour dates. Explore music, lyrics, news, photos, videos, and more.

  3. › wiki › Billy_JoelBilly Joel - Wikipedia

    William Martin Joel (born May 9, 1949) is an American singer-songwriter, composer and pianist. Commonly nicknamed the "Piano Man", he has been making music since the 1960s ...

  4. Billy Joel's biggest hits and classics including "Vienna", “Piano Man,” “Uptown Girl,” “We Didn’t Start the Fire,” “Just the Way You Are” and “The Longest Ti...

  5. Billy Joel's official YouTube channel features music videos, live performances, interviews, TV appearances and more.

  6. Joel, who has been a Steinway Artist for almost 20 years, is the first non-classical pianist to be immortalized in the Steinway Hall collection. His portrait hangs alongside those of legendary musicians including Sergei Rachmaninoff, Franz Liszt, Arthur Rubinstein, Ignacy Paderewski, and more.

  7. Billy Joels biggest hits and classics including “Vienna,” “Piano Man” and “Uptown Girl.” New single, “Turn The Lights Back On,” out now!

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